University of Reading
Department of Agriculture


Work packages
Reports written for PROMISE
Relevant publications

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Tim Wheeler (PI)
Andrew Challinor

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Work packages

WP3100 Seasonal prediction of crop yields and assessment of climate change impacts on crop productivity
WP4000 Development of the PROMISE data archive (contracted out to CINECA)
WP5000 Establishment of links with scientists and users in monsoon countries

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Reports written for PROMISE

6 month report

Annual report for WP3100

Annual report for WP4000

Annual report for WP5000

18 month report

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CIRAD workshop
UGAMP Meeting

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Relevant publications

Wheeler T.R., Chatzialioglou A., Craufurd P.Q., Ellis R.H. and Summerfield R.J. (1997). Dry matter partitioning in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) exposed to high temperature stress. Crop Science, 37, 1507-1513.

Ferris R., Wheeler T.R., Ellis R.H. and Hadley P. (1998). High temperature stress at anthesis in field-grown crops of wheat. Grain yield and biomass. Annals of Botany, 82, 631-640.

Ferris R., Wheeler T.R., Ellis R.H. and Hadley P. (1999). Seed yield after environmental stress in soybean grown under elevated CO2. Crop Science, 39, 710-718.

Vara Prasad P.V., Craufurd P.Q., Summerfield R.J. and Wheeler T.R. (2000). Effect of short episodes of heat stress on flower production and fruit-set of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 51, 777-784.

Wheeler T.R., Craufurd P.Q., Ellis R.H., Porter J. R. and Vara Prasad P.V. (2000). Temperature variability and the yield of annual crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, in press.

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