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PROMISE WP3100 (Seasonal forecasting): progress report


Period: 01/04/2000 to 01/09/2000


Partner 2 (CIRAD, with Agrhymet sub-contracted)




Deliverables for 1st year :


* None for partner 2




Objectives during 1st year:


* Sub-contracting of Agrhymet (CILSS, HQ at Niamey, Rep. Of Niger), and establishment of a collaborative link with CERAAS (Senegal)

* Assessment of the seasonal yield forecasting system in place for the Sahel (CILSS countries)

* Assessment of necessary crop model improvements for forecasting, and evaluation of available models

* Conceptualisation of an improved crop model for Sahel seasonal forecasting






Following the kick-off meeting for PROMISE on 3-5 April 2000, Mr. Abdallah Samba of Agrhymet spent 1 week with the CIRAD PROMISE team in Montpellier (F Maraux, M. Dingkuhn, C Baron, A Begue, A Clopes) to elaborate a workplan, technical concept and formal contract CIRAD-Agrhymet for the research. This was achieved.

γγγγγγγγγγγ A collaborative relationship was also established CERAAS in Senegal, which is a research centre co-ordinated by CORAF and administered by ISRA, specialised on crop responses to drought. Dr. Benoit Sarr, agro-meteorologist and crop modeller of CERAAS, could be committed to contribute to the research on the basis of a bi-lateral arrangement CERAAS-CIRAD. He spent 6 weeks at CIRAD in June and July 2000, using funding from CIRAD, to assist in crop model conceptualisation for PROMISE.γγγγ





* Contract discussions between CIRAD and Agrhymet for PROMISE based collaboration engaged, still not signed..

* Literature review on simple crop models adapted to regional applications, including FAO compilations of international agro-meteorological and crop modelling standards.

* Identification of the existing water balance/crop model SARRA as point of departure for model development. The SARRA concept of using two soil water reservoirs (1 fixed, 1 of dynamic depth) will be adapted while separating evaporation and transpiration.

* Preliminary formulation of carbon balance and phenological modules, and comparisons among different algorithms for soil water extraction (Eagleman equation, FAO approach, others) and LAI-biomass relationships, using existing field data.

* Identification of DELPHI (object based) as programming platform., and translation of water balance of SARRA into DELPHI.

* General agreement between crop modellers and GIS specialists on how to link the new crop model to GIS.






It was agreed that Agrhymet provide a structured databank with field observations (surveys) for model validation. CERAAS will also provide field data (mainly experimental) and conduct, with CIRAD's assistance, an experiment on soil type and drought dependent root front development (millet and possibly sorghum). A meeting with physiologists of Reading University will be held in Montpellier before end of 2000 to co-ordinate cereal and groundnut modelling.


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