Current Unified Model Projects

The effect of solar variability on the stratosphere and troposphere.


Elements of the ``Tape Recorder'' signal in the UM - to appear soon

R. Bannister, K. Nissen, V. West

Decadal climate variability with the HADCM3 coupled model

B.-W. Dong

Predictable winter climate in the North Atlantic Sector during the 1997-1999 ENSO cycle

B.-W. Dong, R. Sutton, S. Jewson, A. O'Neill & J. M. Slingo

The role of ocean-atmosphere coupling in the response to ENSO

J. R. Elliott, R. T. Sutton

Improved tracer advection schemes for the UM

A. Gregory, N. Nikiforakis, A. O'Neill

L64 climate change experiments with improved representation of the stratosphere

W. Lahoz, A. O'Neill

Water Vapour in the Tropical Tropopause Region: The Unified Model in comparison with UARS MLS measurements.

K. Nissen, H. Clark

Simulation of thermal tides in the UKMO Unified Model

S. Oliver

Modelling the Little Ice Age

M. Palmer, W. Norton, M. Allen

The relationship between the North American monsoon and the North Pacific subtropical anticyclone in HADAM3

L. Shaffrey, R.-Y. Lu, B. J. Hoskins

The impact of the representation of the Rockies in HADAM3 - coming soon

L. Shaffrey

Simulation of the Quasi Biennial Oscillation (QBO) in the UKMO Unified Model using the Hines Gravity Wave Drag Parametrization

D. Stainforth, W. Norton

Tracer Transport in the Troposphere-Stratosphere Unified Model.

V. West, R. Harwood